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Storage Binder for Watchtower, Awake!, Our Christian Life and Ministry
Storage Binder for Watchtower, Awake!, Our Christian Life and Ministry
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Product Code: BV

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Awake!, Watchtower & Our Christian Life and Ministry Storage Binder - Keep all your past copies in one place!

Whether you've been a baptized Witness of Jehovah for years or just new in the Truth, you understand the importance of keeping up with literature other than the Bible to reinforce our faith and ideals. This Awake! & Watchtower storage binder is a must-have for Jehovah's Witnesses, allowing you easy access to multiple issues of Watchtower and Awake! Magazine, as well as the Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook. Since the branch has encouraged us to use the printed publications less and less, why not keep your loose copies of the Watchtower, Awake and Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook in this handy binder instead of ordering Watchtower bound volumes?

Each Watchtower and Awake! storage binder is made with durability in mind, constructed with precise craftsmanship and using quality materials. Our special 'punchless' binding system has a sturdy clamp which keeps individual magazines or Meeting Workbooks intact without the need to punch holes through each issue. Magazines can be easily added or removed effortlessly and without frustration.

Binders available in four styles:

  1. Our Christian Life and Ministry - Meeting Workbook: holds four year's worth of Ministry Meeting Workbooks
  2. Watchtower Study Issue: holds one year's worth of study Watchtower issues
  3. Watchtower and Awake! Public Edition: holds two year's worth of Watchtowers and Awakes (public issues)
  4. Our Kingdom Ministry: holds about eight year's worth of Our Kingdom Ministry

The title of each magazine is handsomely embossed in gold, making for a dignified appearance. The binder's color closely resembles the annual bound volumes printed by the Watchtower Society.

Quick guide to using your binder:

  1. Opening the Clasp: Push down on the clasp while gently sliding it to one side to release it.
  2. Inserting Magazines: Place your CLM workbook or Watchtower into the binder, aligning it nicely.
  3. Securing the Magazine: Close the clasp by bringing it back to its original position and allowing the lever to lock it in place.

Designed with durability and practicality in mind, this binder makes a great addition to anyone's assortment of Jehovah's Witnesses supplies, making your library of magazines accessible all in one place. No need to make perforations in your magazines - this binder holds up to a year's worth of magazines. Crafted from high-quality materials, each cover features a gold-embossed title of the respective magazine, and is the perfect way to bind together all of your favorite issues from our most important publications.

  • Store and organize all your past copies of magazines and workbooks in one place
  • You can easily take out individually copies as needed
  • A robust metal 'lever clamp' fastens down solidly over your magazines to effectively bind them together
  • Individual magazines can be removed and reinserted with ease
  • Punchless system: You don't need to perforate your precious magazines to bind them